sukekiyo 2019 live “Mikka Okure Reno「Junkoku no Rashomon」 -Kaihou no Gi -” Announced!


sukekiyo 2019 live “Mikka Okure Reno「Junkoku no Rashomon」 -Kaihou no Gi -”
Feb. 19th (Tue.), 2019 TOKYO・MyNavi BLITZ Akasaka

◆Ticket presale
<sukekiyo online>
[Presale term]
From Nov. 26th (Mon.) 12:00 to Dec. 16th (Sun.) 23:59

<kyo online>
[Presale term]
From Dec. 17th (Mon) 12:00 to Jan. 7th (Mon.) 23:59

◆More information about the live show HERE