Video & audio compilationTYPE : Official Online Shop Only Edition 【Limited Press】
PRICE : ¥11,000 (tax in)
DISC : 3 disc
FORMAT : Blu-ray+2CD
Manufactured by sun-krad Co., Ltd.
Distributed by sun-krad Co., Ltd.
※This product will be on sale on this official online shop and at sukekiyo’s live venues only (may be not available at some venues)
※Available in limited quantity. While the supplies last. May get out of stock during the pre-order period. In that case, it will not be available for regular purchase.
※Contents, title and version are subject to change without notice.
※Please note that this product is available in limited numbers and the sales will stop as the number of orders reaches the maximum number of copies.
sukekiyo「Shikan Parade」-Shikkoku No Gi-
2021.1.28(Thu.) TSUTAYA O-EAST
sukekiyo「Jigoku no Repeter」-Shikkoku No Gi-
2021.1.29(Fri.) TSUTAYA O-EAST
- 01
- 02
接触 -sesshoku-
- 03
猥雑 -waizatsu-
- 04
本能お断り -honnou okotowari-
- 05
アナタヨリウエ -anata yori ue-
- 06
- 07
- 08
君は剥き出し -kimi wa mukidashi-
- 09
触れさせる -furesaseru-
- 10
夢見ドロ -yumemidoro-
- 11
- 12
in all weathers
- 13
偶像モラトリアム -guuzou moratorium-
- 14
死霊のアリアナ -shiryou no ariana-
- 15
斑人間 -madara ningen-
- 16
- 17
黝いヒステリア -aoguroi hysteria-
- 18
濡羽色 -nurebairo-
- 19
憂染 -uso-
- 20
ただ、まだ、私。 -tada, mada, watashi.-
- 21
漂白フレーバー -hyouhaku flavour-
sukekiyo「Shikan Parade」-Shikkoku No Gi-
2021.1.28(Thu.) TSUTAYA O-EAST
- 01
- 02
接触 -sesshoku-
- 03
本能お断り -honnou okotowari-
- 04
アナタヨリウエ -anata yori ue-
- 05
- 06
夢見ドロ -yumemidoro-
- 07
- 08
斑人間 -madara ningen-
- 09
- 10
憂染 -uso-
- 11
偶像モラトリアム -guuzou moratorium-
sukekiyo「Jigoku no Repeter」-Shikkoku No Gi-
2021.1.29(Fri.) TSUTAYA O-EAST
- 01
in all weathers
- 02
猥雑 -waizatsu-
- 03
沙羅螺 -guuzou moratorium-
- 04
- 05
君は剥き出し -kimi wa mukidashi-
- 06
触れさせる -furesaseru-
- 07
マニエリスムな冷たい葬列者 -mannerism na tsumetai souretsusya-
- 08
黝いヒステリア -aoguroi hysteria-
- 09
濡羽色 -nurebairo-
- 10
ただ、まだ、私。 -tada, mada, watashi.-
- 11
漂白フレーバー -hyouhaku flavour-
Bonus Gift
Materials: PU Leather
Color: BLACK
Size: About 10cm×16cm
You will receive 1 smartphone pouch for each copy video & audio compilation『LUXURIA』purchased at the venue / pre-ordered at the online shop.
◉「Backstage DVD」(Title TBA)【Online shop only】
You will receive 1 DVD for each copy video & audio compilation『LUXURIA』pre-ordered at the online shop.
◉B3 Poster【Venue only】
You will receive 1 poster for each copy video & audio compilation『LUXURIA』purchased at the venue of TOUR2021「kikou shoujo」-Shikkoku No Gi-, to be held at Kyoto-Gekijo on July 3rd (Sat.) and 4th (Sun.)
※Both the product and the bonus gift are available in limited quantity. Available on first-come, first-served basis and while stocks last.